Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007

Wii vs Xbox(original Xbox)

Left pics xbox, Right pics Wii
So is the Wii better than the original Xbox
Robbie Bach, President of Microsoft’s Entertainment and Devices division, (he’s a step above Peter Moore, and is the head of the “tri-force” [wink wink] that brought together the Xbox and 360), recently made this statement on being questioned about the undisputed success of the Wii

“I’m actually not–the product has gotten more broad-base acclaim that I would have expected. It’s a very nice product, but it actually has a relatively specific audience and a fairly specific appeal, frankly, based on one feature, which is the controller itself. And the rest of the product is actually not a great product–no disrespect, but…the video graphics on it aren’t very strong; the box itself is kind of underpowered; it doesn’t play DVDs; there are a lot of down-line components that aren’t actually that interesting”
The article puts forth allot of interesting information we should think about!

Assassin's Creed Video Interview


Halo 3

The Halo Beta has taken Xbox Live by storm as we all knew it would. But Free Radical's Dave Doak believes there's now an enormous amount of pressure on Bungie to deliver the goods with Halo 3...more

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Great Bloging!!!!

Wonderful site by a good friend...
This is a Blog!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Splinter Cell: Conviction Gameplay Footage

First game play footage from Ubi Montreal's Xbox 360-exclusive Splinter Cell: Conviction...Movie

New PS3 Model Means Price Cuts Soon?

Sony unveiled a new 80GB PS3 model today, scheduled to launch this June in the broadband-pervasive South Korea. The news comes amid slow sales of the pricey console and just one month after pulling the cheaper 20GB version from North American shelves...CLICK

Grand Theft Auto IV Special Edition

Rockstar Games is proud to announce that Grand Theft Auto IV will be available as a special edition on October 16 in North America and October 19 in Europe, the same day as the regular edition of Grand Theft Auto IV...CLICK

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Halo 3 video interview

An interview with the Halo creators at Bungie reveals interesting new details about Halo 3!
New vehicles weapons and much more. Microsft , has allot riding on this game. Get ready to be dazzled! Video

Chronicles of Riddick 2: Assault on Dark Athena

The first, Chronicles of Riddick 2: Assault on Dark Athena video has been released and it does not look very impressive. Takes you back a few years. video

NPD: Best-Selling Games of April 2007

"Software totals for the month of April have come in from the NPD Group today, and things are looking bleaker than ever for Sony's next-generation machine. Following a strong month of sales in March, the PS3 faltered slightly in April, with only one title making it into the top 20. The PS3's best-selling game in April was the port of F.E.A.R., with 45,846 units sold." Read full story IGN.com.
Not that surprised few consoles have been sold and the games are nothing to write home about. A killer app will push hardware and software sales.

Gamers day videos!!! Heavenly sword

Nariko is heavenly swords main character, she is a beautiful red head who embarks on a quest for vengeance against an evil empire. The heavenly sword is an ancient powerful artifact that if used by a mortal their life slowly gets drained. The video shows the games stunning graphics, the locals that were presented the game engines amazing capabilities especially the draw distance. The fighting sequences remind me allot of God of War. I guess that not a bad thing!!! Goddess of war!!

The Heavenly Sword video and other gamers day videos just click the PS3 tag .

Thursday, May 17, 2007

HALO 3 sept 25!!!!

Will Halo 3 be the most successful launch in history?
Peter Moore thinks so(corporate vice president of Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business.)"On Sept. 25, we intend to deliver a finale that will go down in entertainment history and leave people around the world with an experience that will be shared and enjoyed for years to come"
Halo 2 was a huge success it generated a record-setting $125 million in sales within the first 24 hours!
I hope Microsoft makes all their wishes come true, It dose not matter if you prefer one console over another what matters is that games,good games sell making the video game industry better in the long run for gamers!!

X box live users baned!!! Keeping Xbox live fair!!!M$ answer

X box 360 live users with mods are being banned from the service!!!
Forums all over the world are filled with "I WAS BANNED" and "why....."
Finally after days we get an official Microsoft answer.
Click Me

Sony Gamer's Day Videos Are Here!

Unleash the beast!!! PS3 next generation game videos
Playstation 3 fans should be proud. Sony is finnally showing its muscles.
I cant really pick there great!!!!
Ok i don't want to get too excited. But finnally, Sony had me scared for a moment.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Huge drop in ps3 sales

Figures released in Japan show slumping ps3 figures.
Japanese Chart for Week Ending 13th May
2007 DS(181,620)Wii(66,657)Ps3(8,872)360(2,293)
The 360 even with less than half the units of the PS3, it still has more software sold.

Thats a pretty amazing stat if you look at it.
The PS3 is managing just over 1 game a unit! Let me repeat...1 game a unit in Japan!!! That is a big RED flag for Sony!

Tomb raider on the Wii

Lara Croft ready to make her wii debut.
“The Nintendo Wii is a hugely innovative games console and we wanted to make a special version of Anniversary to appeal to Wii owners”
Publisher Eidos Interactive has announced that forthcoming game Tomb Raider: Anniversary will appear on the Nintendo Wii.

Nintendo's short cuts showcase!!!

Are you a real Nintendo fan prove it. Nintendo is giving you the chance!! Show it at Nintendo's short cuts showcase!!!

Filmmakers from all walks of life are invited to demonstrate their passion and skills by creating a Nintendo-themed short film or video. Create a three-to-five minute film incorporating Nintendo and enter to win a public screening in New York City!

The top three films will premiere as part of Nintendo Short Cuts Showcase at the Top of the Rock Observation Deck at Rockefeller Center during Rock Center’s annual summer film showcase, June 19-22.

Check back here to watch the top entries and vote for your favorites!

For complete contest rules, click here.


First Place winner will receive:
• Trip to New York City for the winner and a guest
• Film screened at Nintendo Short Cuts Showcase at Rockefeller Center
• $10,000 in cash
• Exclusive meeting with Craig Hatkoff, co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival
• Wii & Wii software
• Nintendo DS Lite & Nintendo DS software

Second and Third Place:
• Film screened at Nintendo Short Cuts Showcase at Rockefeller Center
• Wii & Wii software

7 Finalists will each receive:
• Nintendo DS Lite & Nintendo DS software


All entries must be received by June 6, 2007, 11:59 p.m. PDT

Let those cameras roll!!!!!

Go to the official page

Worlds scariest games

What do think is the worlds scariest game!!!
This study was conducted on the sites members, 220 to 250 people if I am not mistaken.
My personal favorite is the KING resident evil!!!
I can still remember it "Ive been through this hall way before" BOOM "AHHHHHHHHHHHH flesh eating ZOMBIE dogs"
I wet my pants and dropped the controller.
Hey don't get me wrong all those games are scary.

Ds Wii have a Problem!!!!

Rumor has been circling about the DS lite screen is going yellow i personally contacted Nintendo of Greece about the rumor but they had no comment. I will be looking into this personally and I will report as soon a s I have some info!!

Wii technology used in brain rehabilitation

Who said video games fry your brains!!!!!
Get you mother to the monitor right away and show her this article!!!!
This goes out to every parent out there that said that video games are useless.
Take that mom!!!!!

Wii technology used in brain rehabilitation

User created Content

For years now the PC gaming industry has enjoyed a rich and thriving User created content.
The first that comes to mind I think to all of us is Counter strike. Probably, the biggest online game bigger then WOW.
What consoles like the 360, Wii and the ps3 should do is support this group give them some incentive's. A healthy home brew community for consoles can mean a whole new market.
Look at XBMC one of the greatest maybe the greatest home brew out there. In addition, the best media player out there retail or non retail.
Here is a great interview with Valve Software marketing director Doug Lombardi.

Opinion: Yet another PS3 vs 360 debate...

I really don't like the 360 vs Wii vs ps3 Fan boy shoot outs.
We all know its about Game quality and unfortunately game quantity.
I choose not get into the whole issue but I cannot deny that its an issue that my readers are interested in so I found a pretty well written one. I don't agree with the writer its his own opinion!! Tell me what you think about it!!!!!

New S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl Game Annoucements at E3

The developers of stalker will be at the next E3 due to the success of the first game....
"We are very happy of the players' positive reaction to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. all over the world. This fills us with confidence the team is on the right track and adds us strength to go for next exciting accomplishments. It will be very soon that we present our new interesting ideas and solutions", said GSC Game World's CEO Sergiy Grygorovych.

Cheapest PAL ps3 available

QED are currently running an excellent deal where you can pick up the Playstation 3 60gb (PAL) console for £365.22.

The store are currently selling the PS3 for £405.80, but there is a 10% of £400 spent discount code you can use to bring the price down to a very good £365.22.

Promotional Code: MAY10

Simply enter the above discount code at Step 2 (Payment Details - "Voucher Code") of the checkout process to receive your discount. The discount code expires on Friday the 18th May!

Click here to go to the deal.


Halo 3 Beta -Crackdown Deal

The first way to get into the Halo 3 beta was to join a sweep stake.
Well, purchasing "specially marked" copies of the MS-published, Real Time Worlds' developed
Crackdown in February will be the second way to get a piece of the Halo 3 beta pie.Though to play the beta you're paying $60 to participate in doesn't seem very public. How many copies of Crackdown can Halo 3 sell?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Final fantasy will not use the unreal engine!!!

Final Fantasy XIII will not be based on the Unreal engine like many FF fans anticipated!!!
A new multi platform R P G named "The Last Remnant" will be based on the Unreal engine!!
During the square Enix party real time videos were shown that blew away the spectators!!!
Could this be the next generation FF.Finally could this game be the game that will prove that releasing games on cross platforms is more profitable for SQUARE ENIX. Only time will tell, Enjoy the screen shots.

Mario Strikers for the wii ONLINE!!!!!!!

Nintendos first real online game released will release in Europe, Boasting the DS friend code which is not all that popular. IGN.com got a first look at the game"it's an encouraging demonstration of Nintendo's online plans and signals good things to come in the future"
I'm really siked to see Nintendo's innovations used for internet!!!


Reading countless reviews and playing the wii version of the new spidey game, I realized that this spider man game is much worse than the other two games based on the movies by far!! First of all the ps3 and the 360 versions are almost identical meaning that all the crappy stuff in one game is in the other . What should I start with, the bad or the good.
THE GOOD: The swinging in all versions especially the Wii.
The BAD: The tectures,the models,the fighting ,the AI .......................... I can go on and on!!!
THE REALLY BAD: If you buy the wii version of this game the bad is times 2!!!!
Dont say I didnt warn you!


Heres another game to movie adaptation!!! Jamie Pressly, who played the foxy wrestler Tina in the movie said at a press conference that the movie was disappointing!!! When are movie producers gonna take gamers seriously and start releasing quality movies on games!!!!! I hope the far cry movie will succeed!!!!!

Square Enix party

We were blown away at this years Square Enix party the following games were showed

  • Dragon Quest Monster Joker (DS, playable)
  • Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wing (DS, playable)
  • Final Fantasy Tactics (PSP, playable)Remake of the the original psx game!!
  • Itadaki Street DS (DS, playable)Dragon quest VS MARIO universe board game fun
  • Dragon Quest Swords (Wii, playable) Wii mote is your sword! intresting
  • It's a Wonderful World (DS, playable)2d rpg that takes place in tokyo
  • Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII (PSP, playable)
  • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (DS, playable)
  • Final Fantasy XI (PS2, X360, Windows, playable)
  • Final Fantasy (PSP, video)
  • Final Fantasy II (PSP, video)
  • Dragon Quest Monster Battle Road (Arcade, video)Monster battler for arcades
  • Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete (Blu-Ray, video)
  • Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, Mobile, video)
In addition two Square mini museums were set up one dedicated to the 20 years of final fantasy and the other to the very popular star ocean series!!
The square enix party is every JPRG fans dream thousand of people line up to get a glimpse of there favorite games not to mention that allot og the are dressed up as there favorite character!!! I LOVE THE JAPS!! see you next year in TOKYO! GIASHARIMASTA (what ever that means)
Pictures fo all these games and more go to http://www.gamespot.com/events/squareenixfest/images.html

Monday, May 14, 2007

N64 KID then and now

Technorati ProfileOne of the most popular you tube videos ever released is a small boy and his sister getting an N64!!!! Enjoy. I sure did(the scary part is that I think i did the same thing when I got my snes)


Hey not bad for an old home made movie!!!
So what is the lesson we learned from this?
Those old vhs tapes in the basement could be worth a pretty penny!
Hollywood here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ps3 song!!!!

This song was posted on you tube during the first months of the ps3 release. Just to be clear Im not a fan boy of Nintendo or Microsoft but this is quality work great song !!!


Peter Moore is the Corporate Vice President in Microsoft and is also the man who ran the show at Sega during the Dream cast era.The term "wii60" was conceived by him during a press confress, he clearly stated that for the price of one ps3 you can buy an X box 360 and a Wii! Since then the internet has turned it into a phenomena even starting a web site called wii60.com which has fans from the X box and the Wii. Who would a thunk it!

PS3 in greece 660 euros!!!!!!

After of months of speculations about the European ps3 price range they finally announced it at 599 euros for the 60gb version. Which I believe is a good price(don't kill me)! ill explain myself in another blog! A couple of days a go i walked into my local electronics store and what do i see the ps3 for 660 euros!!!!!!660 Euro = 892.980 US Dollars that is a 292 dollar difference from the USA . Sony Europe and Sony Hellas are clearly taking advantage of there European fans which even though the price ps3s are selling like hot cakes! Go figure

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The xbox is back !!!!!

After months of reading about xbmc (xbox media center), I finnally decided to take the dive and I am still swimming in the wonderful world of possibly the most amazing piece of software ever created. Take a 50 to 100 dollar x box, pop in a 20 dollar mod chip, and a ether net cross over cable and in about a half an hour you have a 300 dollar media center that can play virtually every music and video file known to man and almost any video game emulator out there from the Atari to the n64. And allot more which I have yet to discover. Did I mention that xbmc is free. Do not be a fool like me and wait almost a year to get it, go right now you do not know what you are missing!
I will be posting constantly on the xbmc topic and informing you about this amazing software. GO GET IT NOW!!!!

To Wii or not to wii

I decided to start my blog on the Nintendo wii, I figured it would bring me good luck due to the fact that its selling like crazy. I got my wii on Dec 1 2006 in Greece, 7 days earlier than the official Nintendo launch but thats a whole other blog. The first month, I spent days playing Zelda and wii sports with friends. The whole wii mote function seemed interesting and fun at the time. But after 4 months of dust collecting on my wii, I am considering to sell it while i can still make some money back! I am playing with a new theory. Sell the wii now, and buy one in a year or two when there will be actual good games all ready out. There are no good games right now! And the publishers are just now slowwwwwwwwly learning the wii motes potential. On gamespot wii reviews only one game has a rating over 9!One whole game. And that game is Wario ware, which we all know is a compilation of mini games that mostly caters to kids. Also, almost every game that has been released has control issues.
Do not get me wrong I LOVE NINTENDO and I have the systems and the games to prove it but something deep inside me is telling me that the wii is a gimmick. I hope I am wrong.